Terms & Conditions

By accessing or using VisaHero.com, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy outlined herein. If you do not agree with the terms outlined in this agreement or are not satisfied with the website, please address your concerns by visiting our “Contact Us” page.

VisaHero.com is owned and operated by Visa Hero LLC. It is important to note that Visa Hero LLC may periodically update these Terms & Conditions. Therefore, we recommend reviewing this agreement each time you access or utilize the website.


Visa Hero LLC acts as a representative for the client and does not assume any liability for the services provided by Travel Agents, Government Agencies, Consulates, or Embassies in relation to visa and passport issuance. Visa Hero LLC is also not accountable for any delays or passport loss that may occur during the aforementioned services or due to any delivery service. Please note that compensation for damages is not available.

While Visa Hero LLC has implemented security measures to prevent unauthorized access or interception, it cannot provide an absolute guarantee of security. In the event of interception or unauthorized access, Visa Hero LLC will not be held responsible for such incidents or any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost profits) experienced by a visitor or user, even if Visa Hero LLC has been previously informed of the possibility of such damages.

Visa Hero LLC does not explicitly or implicitly warrant that the information provided by any visitor will be immune to interception or unauthorized access and does not provide any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose.

When transmitting electronic communications to Visa Hero LLC, the user of this website is requesting Visa Hero LLC to send information or contact the user regarding Visa Hero LLC’s products. Visa Hero LLC will make reasonable efforts to fulfill such requests for information about its products and services in a timely manner. However, it cannot guarantee the timeliness of such responses.

Users should be aware that Visa Hero LLC is not responsible for delays, non-delivery, or non-receipt of any exchanged information between Visa Hero LLC and the user, or vice versa. These issues may arise due to internet connectivity problems, events such as acts of nature, computer malfunctions, or incorrect contact information (including, but not limited to, email addresses, mailing addresses, telephone, cellular, or fax numbers) provided by the user.

Privacy Policy

We place great importance on safeguarding your data, even before you become a client. This privacy policy outlines Visa Hero LLC’s procedures for gathering, utilizing, and securing information pertaining to you. Typically, we acquire this information through one or more of the following methods:

  • You provide us with information directly, such as by completing an online form or sending us a message through our website.
  • Your computer or mobile device automatically transmits information to us via your Internet browser, including your computer’s IP address and other technical details, such as your web browser type.
  • Our website monitors your interactions with it and our services, including the pages you access and the frequency of your visits.

In terms of your use of this website,Visa Hero LLC acts in the capacity of Data Controller. If you have any questions or concerns about the data we hold about you or the policies described in this document, you may contact us in the following ways: 

Phone: (202) 936-6000  

Email: support@visahero.com
Mailing Address: 2201 Wisconsin Ave NW #200, Washington DC 20007


Our Commitment to Data Privacy
As a service provider, our top priority is the maintenance and safeguarding of private data, and this constitutes a significant aspect of our daily efforts. We are fully dedicated to the protection of all data entrusted to us, including, but not limited to, personally identifiable information.

In order to efficiently cater to the needs of our potential and existing clients, the collection of data is essential. This enables us to deliver our services effectively. However, we only gather information that we deem necessary for the effective provision of our services or for enhancing the experience of our potential and existing clients.

We adhere to the principle of ‘data minimization’ whenever feasible, meaning that we request only the bare minimum of information required for us to effectively provide our services. We retain and manage data only to the extent we consider necessary.

Our objective is to ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations and, whenever feasible, to exceed these standards to provide the utmost safety and security for those with whom we interact.


What We Mean by ‘Personal Data’
In this privacy policy, we will use the terms ‘data,’ ‘personal data,’ and ‘information’ interchangeably. These terms collectively refer to any information that permits us to personally identify you and any information you voluntarily provide to us that falls into this category. Examples of such information include your name, email address, phone number, and similar details. We will always seek your explicit consent before collecting this information from you; however, this may not be the sole legal basis for data collection.

Additional information that we collect, such as your computer’s IP address or the general geographical location from which you are browsing, may not directly identify you, but we categorize this data as personal data when it comes to safeguarding your privacy, and we treat it accordingly.


Who We Share Data With
We strictly adhere to a “need to know” policy when it comes to sharing data, particularly personal data. We only divulge personally identifying information (PII) to individuals and organizations who have formally committed in writing not to share it with others. It’s important to note that some of these individuals or entities may be located outside your home country. By using our website and services, you consent to the transfer of such information to them.

The only individuals and organizations (referred to as data processors) granted access to personal data include:

  • Employees of Visa Hero LLC, encompassing staff engaged in sales, marketing, support services, as well as internal administration.
  • Our web hosting technology providers who furnish the physical server infrastructure for our website(s). We ensure that these servers are physically located in the USA and that no customer data is transmitted to data centers beyond the USA by our hosting provider.
  • Third-party contractors who assist Visa Hero LLC with website development and marketing efforts.

We have additional Data Privacy Agreements in place with these entities to reinforce accountability and ensure the security of your data. Rest assured, we do not rent, trade, or sell your personally identifying information (PII) to any third party.

In the unlikely event that we ever engage in onward data transfers to a third-party data processor for a purpose different from the original collection or authorization, we would offer you an opt-out option to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data.

Please be aware that Visa Hero LLC may be obligated to disclose an individual’s personal data in response to a lawful request from public authorities, including but not limited to meeting national security or law enforcement requirements.

How Your Data Is Protected
We employ a variety of measures to safeguard your data, including:

  • Access Control: We maintain strict control over access to personal data by using individual user accounts to manage access.
  • Data Encryption: Our website is fortified with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, ensuring that all traffic to and from the website is securely encrypted. Administrative access is also protected with encryption and password authentication.
  • Dedicated Security Software: We have implemented multiple layers of security software at both the server and website levels to shield our website from malicious attacks. This software actively monitors and limits login attempts on our site while also blocking potential malicious access attempts to personal data.
  • Internal IT Security: We employ multiple security layers for our internal IT infrastructure to prevent the theft, alteration, or misuse of personal data. These measures include firewalls, encryption, and strict user access controls. Our staff is extensively trained to handle data responsibly, with zero tolerance for any lapses in security protocols.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): To enhance website performance and ward off malicious threats and attacks, we utilize a Content Delivery Network (CDN). The CDN may collect technical data such as IP addresses but does not have access to personally identifiable information. This data is used to identify and block known abusive IP addresses to prevent malicious attacks.
  • Transaction Gateway: In cases where we process financial transactions, we route them through a gateway provider and refrain from storing or processing the data on our web server.
  • PCI Compliance: If we handle financial transactions, we rigorously adhere to Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance standards to ensure that your information is processed, stored, and transmitted within a secure environment.

Data Retention
We retain your personally identifiable information for as long as you have an active client account with us or as long as it is necessary to provide our services. Additionally, we may retain your information to fulfill our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Once we determine that there is no longer a need to retain your personal data for these purposes, we will proceed to delete it from our systems.

For Users Under 18 Years of Age: We do not knowingly collect personal data online from individuals under the age of 18 without parental consent. If you become aware that a person under 18 has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us. In such cases, we will take steps to remove the data as allowed by law.

Access to Your Personal Data: If you have directly provided us with personal information, such as by completing an online form or contacting us via phone or email, you have several rights concerning the personally identifiable information we hold:

  • You can request confirmation from us regarding the existence of any such data.
  • You can require us to provide you with the data we hold and process about you, including the right to have that data transferred to another data controller.
  • Even if you have given consent for us to process your personal data, you can withdraw that consent at any time.
  • You can request that we correct any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you.
  • You have the right to request the deletion of the data we hold about you (commonly referred to as the ‘right to be forgotten’).

In cases where we collect personal data automatically, such as through your internet browser or internet cookies, or similar technologies:

  • You have the right to object to the legal basis on which we are collecting this data, and we are obligated to consider and respond to your objection.
  • You can request that further processing of your data be halted while your objection is being assessed.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

Links to Other Websites
From time to time, we may, at our discretion, feature or present third-party products or services on our website. Additionally, in our content, such as our blog posts, we might refer to third-party websites and entities. It’s important to note that these third-party websites operate under distinct and autonomous privacy policies. We bear no responsibility or liability for the content or actions of these external sites.

Website Forms (Contact, Support Requests, Registrations, Blog Comments, and More)

Our website includes a variety of forms that facilitate communication with us, seek support, inquire about products and services, or register for events and offerings. These forms typically request essential personal details like your name, email address, and other contact information, which are necessary for us to address your inquiries.

In some cases, depending on the specific form’s purpose, we may also request additional information that can assist us in better understanding your needs and preferences. This may include inquiries about the services you are interested in or details about your business’s size, among other relevant details.

User Accounts and Login Access on Our Website

Certain features of our website necessitate user account creation for login access. These user accounts enable you to log in and utilize specific functions on the site. Our access control system assigns varying permissions to individual users, granting access to different functionalities based on user roles.

For instance, when you register to access a free document, a login account is generated, allowing you to log in and retrieve the document at a later time. Additionally, some functionalities involve content administration or contribution, such as authoring blog posts.

Our clients also have the option to log in to our website, gaining access to our customer portal. This portal facilitates tasks like viewing and creating support tickets, invoice tracking, and communication with our team regarding the products, services, and service agreements they have procured.

All form submissions result in the creation of a basic user account. After submitting a form, users can access the portal to review their inquiries or messages and make subsequent requests.

The primary objective of these user account logins is to safeguard your personal data by requiring password-protected access. This helps maintain the security and confidentiality of our website and its visitors.

Information collected for these logins typically includes your email address (which often serves as your username) and, at a minimum, your name. Password resets are facilitated through temporary links sent to the user upon request.

If you choose not to register for an account, submit any forms, or engage with us as a client, no data of this nature will be collected.

Recording Your Website Visit
When you explore our website, our system generates a log entry in our server logs. Typically, this entry comprises your device’s IP address and details about the internet browser you’re using, including its version.

Maintaining server logs is a standard industry practice. These logs serve various purposes, including:

  • Monitoring the technical aspects and activities on the server that hosts the website.
  • Detecting and mitigating fraudulent activities, such as Distributed Denial of Service attacks.
  • Diagnosing technical issues and identifying recurring patterns of behavior, such as repeated malicious login attempts or unauthorized file access.

In addition, we take note of IP addresses when forms are submitted, aiding in the identification and prevention of malicious and fraudulent activities, as well as thwarting spam submissions.

To enhance the performance of our website and fortify it against malicious threats and attacks, we employ a Content Delivery Network (CDN). The CDN exclusively collects technical data, such as IP addresses, and does not have access to personally identifiable information. This data is utilized to safeguard against malicious attacks originating from recognized abusive IP addresses.

It’s essential to note that IP addresses do not allow us to personally identify you. Moreover, your IP address frequently changes, as it is dynamically assigned by your internet service provider. We do not utilize our server access logs to ascertain the identity of specific individuals. As such, we do not categorize the IP address data we collect in our server logs as personally identifiable information and do not request your consent for its collection.

Third Party or Publicly-Available Data
To enhance our services and tailor your website and marketing experiences, we may acquire specific information about you from third-party sources. This information may be amalgamated with the data you furnish us, ultimately enriching your experience and the quality of our services.


Online and Offline Communication
When you reach out to us to explore our products and services, or when you engage with our products and services, we may gather personally identifiable information. This enables us to effectively communicate with you regarding our offerings. Such information encompasses, among other things, your name, email address, and telephone number.

Storage of Personal Data
Visa Hero LLC and our related services and systems are hosted in the United States. If you are situated outside of the United States, please note that the personally identifiable information we collect and process will be stored in the United States, which may have different data protection and privacy laws compared to your home country. By utilizing our services and/or providing us with your personal data, you consent to the transfer, storage, and/or processing of this information in the United States.


Cookies & Similar Web Tracking Technologies
Our website employs cookies and similar technologies to gain a better understanding of how users interact with our website and services. These technologies are crucial for certain online functionalities. Cookies, which are small files stored on your device, enable us to track your visits to specific pages or actions you take on the site, such as submitting a form or clicking on elements.

Most websites rely on cookies and similar tracking technologies to provide valuable insights into how the website is utilized, allowing for ongoing improvements and personalized user experiences. There are several types of cookies:

  1. Session cookies: These cookies expire at the end of your browsing session and track your actions during that particular session.
  2. Persistent cookies: Persistent cookies are stored on your device between browsing sessions, retaining your preferences or actions across multiple sites.
  3. First-party cookies: These cookies are set by the website you are currently visiting.
  4. Third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are set by a website other than the one you are currently on.

As a user, you have control over how cookies are employed on your device. Most web browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) allow you to configure preferences regarding the acceptance or blocking of website cookies. You also have the option to delete any previously set cookies. If you prefer to avoid the use of cookies from our website, we recommend adjusting your web browser settings to block all cookies.

We have integrated a prominently displayed message on our website that enables you to easily indicate whether you consent to the use of cookies on your device. This message will appear during your initial visit, giving you the choice to opt out of cookies. For our site to remember your cookie preference, it is essential for us to set a cookie.

Until you provide consent for cookies, only essential cookies and those that do not contain or track personally identifiable information will be established when you first visit our website. By accepting and agreeing to the use of cookies or continuing to use our site beyond this initial cookie consent prompt (e.g., by scrolling, clicking away from it, clicking on links, etc.), you signify your consent to the utilization of cookies, and we will set other non-essential cookies as explained here.

Cookies used for analytics purposes may employ non-personal data that is not directly associated with you. We utilize analytics technologies to enhance our website and services.

Web Beacons: We may use small graphic images, also known as “pixel tags” or “clear GIFs,” in conjunction with cookies to monitor user behavior on our site.

Website Analytics
We utilize Google Analytics to gather valuable insights into our website traffic and gain a deeper understanding of user behavior on our site. When someone visits our website, data such as the pages they view, the duration of their visit, and the sources that led them to our site are transmitted to Google Analytics, which is under the control of Google. It’s important to note that this information is entirely anonymous and does not contain any personally identifiable details.


This data is devoid of any means to identify an individual; it encompasses information from all website traffic. It’s essential to clarify that this analytical data does not constitute personal information, and we do not specifically request your prior consent for it.


Google Services
We also integrate various other Google services into our website, which encompass:

  • Google Recaptcha: On certain web forms, registrations, and logins, we may implement Google’s Recaptcha service. Recaptcha adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to enter randomly scrambled characters or click an ‘I Am Not A Robot’ checkbox when submitting information. This measure safeguards our forms against misuse by spammers and automated scripts.
  • Google Fonts: Google Fonts provides a resource for websites to access a library of web fonts that extends beyond the standard set available in most web browsers and devices. This allows us to present our content consistently across a wide array of devices and web browsers.
  • Google Maps: We might feature dynamic geographic maps on our website to display our location(s).

Incorporating these Google services may entail our website establishing a connection with one or more Google servers, which could result in Google placing cookies on your device.

Social Media
Similar to many businesses, we employ social media for marketing and engaging with our clients and potential customers. On our website, we may use social media cookies provided by Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Facebook, in particular, utilizes cookies within your browser, and we may use these cookies to assess the effectiveness of our social media campaigns.

If you are logged into Facebook while visiting our website, Facebook will be aware of your visit. However, please note that Facebook does not grant us access to your personal data unless you have consented to share such information with Facebook, not us. Nevertheless, we do receive anonymized data regarding the volume of individuals interacting with our Facebook advertising and other social media activities.

Since these cookies rely on your Facebook login status when browsing our website, we do not explicitly request your prior consent. If you are not logged into Facebook while accessing our site, it is not feasible for us to collect any personal data through Facebook’s cookies. It’s worth noting that Facebook may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect information from websites you visit.

If you wish to browse websites anonymously, you can always use your browser’s ‘private’ or ‘incognito’ mode. Disabling marketing cookies on our site does not mean you won’t see our advertisements; rather, these ads will not be tailored based on your Facebook activity.


What We Do With The Data We Gather
As mentioned earlier, we utilize the data we collect to enhance the quality of our services and improve the overall user experience. Additionally, we collect and maintain personally identifiable information from our customers, including potential customers, to provide a customized level of service. This data also plays a role in our sales, marketing, and advertising efforts. The processing of this information is essential to advance the legitimate interests of our organization and aligns with the legitimate interests of our business, always ensuring that the interests and fundamental rights of the data subjects do not take precedence over our own.

On occasion, we may seek your consent to contact you via telephone, SMS, postal mail, and/or email regarding offers, products, promotions, updates, or other services that we believe may be of interest to you, as well as for various marketing purposes.

We are committed to avoiding any form of spam. Therefore, our marketing emails, which may include newsletters, service highlights, and other bulk communications, include an opt-out or unsubscribe option. However, please note that communications directed specifically to our clients, prospects, and business associates, such as support, sales, and other direct forms of communication, will not include this option.

If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, you can do so by contacting us at support@visahero.com, unless we are obligated by applicable laws or professional standards to retain such information.

GDPR Privacy Policy

Visa Hero LLC holds a deep respect for the privacy of its valued customers. In line with this commitment, we diligently collect and employ your personal information only when it is essential for the provision of our services, collectively referred to as our “Services.” Your personal data encompasses details such as:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Any other data gathered that could, directly or indirectly, identify you for the purpose of processing your visa application or immigration application.

Our Privacy Policy serves the purpose of keeping you informed about the information we gather, how we apply it, and the specific reasons behind its utilization. It also outlines the options we extend to you for accessing, modifying, or taking control of the personal data that undergoes processing pertaining to your profile.

Should you have any inquiries regarding our processes or wish to explore your rights as delineated below, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) and the dedicated team that supports this office. You can reach out to us via email at support@visahero.com at any time. Rest assured, we actively monitor and manage this inbox to ensure that you receive dependable service.


We gather information to enhance your experience while using our Services. Most of the data that you may consider as personal information is acquired directly from you when you:

  1. Establish an account or make purchases through our Services (e.g., billing details such as name, address, credit card number, government identification).
  2. Seek assistance from our customer support team (e.g., phone number, email).
  3. Fill out contact forms, request newsletters, or seek other information from us (e.g., email).
  4. Engage in contests, surveys, job applications, or other activities we promote that may necessitate information about you.

How We Collect Information
To ensure the necessary and optimal performance of our Services, we gather additional information. These data collection methods might not always be apparent to you, so we’d like to clarify and provide more details on how they operate. Please note that these methods may vary over time.

In connection with your use of our Services, we collect various account-related information, including your account number, purchase history, product renewal or expiration dates, information requests, customer support inquiries, and notes regarding your requests and our responses.

On our websites and within our mobile applications, we employ cookies and similar technologies to track your browsing behavior. This includes the links you click, your purchase history, the type of device you’re using, and other information related to your interactions with our Services. This data helps us assess and improve the performance of our Services, offer you more relevant product suggestions, and enhance your user experience on our websites and mobile apps. Additionally, we may collect your IP address to tailor our services to your location. For more details and instructions on managing the technologies we use, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

When you utilize and interact with our website, we automatically gather usage data, such as metadata, log files, cookie/device IDs, and location information. This includes details about how you engage with the features, content, and links (including those provided by third parties like social media plugins) within our Services. We collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the type of web browser you use, the date and time of your interactions, language preferences, cookie data, device type, and the specific Opera web browser you utilize.

Furthermore, we may combine the information you’ve already provided us with supplemental data acquired from other sources, like publicly accessible databases or third-party data providers. This helps us update, enrich, and verify the accuracy of our records, identify potential new clients, and offer products and services that may align with your interests. Rest assured that any personal information you furnish to us, or on behalf of others, will only be used for the specific purposes for which it was provided.

How We Use Information

  1. We gather a variety of information related to your interactions with, purchases from, and use of our Services. This information serves several purposes, including:
  • Enhancing and optimizing the functioning and performance of our Services, including our online application.
  • Identifying and addressing issues, security risks, errors, and opportunities for improvements in our Services.
  • Preventing and detecting fraudulent activities and misuse of our Services and systems.
  • Aggregating statistics to gain insights into how our Services are utilized.
  • Analyzing your usage patterns to better understand your preferences and provide you with relevant products and services.

However, if any of this information qualifies as personal data or is connected to or can be linked to personal data, we treat it with the appropriate level of care. Much of the data collected is often in aggregated or statistical form, devoid of any association with personal data.

We may share your personal data with affiliated companies within our corporate group, as well as with third parties with whom we have established partnerships to enable the integration of their services into our own. Additionally, we may share personal data with trusted third-party service providers when it is necessary for them to perform specific services on our behalf, including:

  • Processing credit card payments.
  • Delivering targeted advertisements.
  • Administering contests or surveys.
  • Conducting analyses of our Services and customer demographics.
  • Communicating with you through means such as email or survey distribution.
  • Managing customer relationships.

We only disclose your personal information when it is essential for a third party to fulfill the requested services on our behalf. These third parties, including subcontractors, are contractually bound by stringent data processing terms and conditions. They are expressly prohibited from using, sharing, or retaining your personal information for purposes other than those directly related to their specific roles (or without your explicit consent).

  1. Contacting You: We may get in touch with you directly or through a third-party service provider concerning products or services you’ve subscribed to or purchased from us. This includes essential communication required for transactions or service-related matters. Moreover, we may reach out to you with offers for additional services that we believe you’ll find valuable, provided you grant us consent or where permitted by legitimate interests. It’s important to note that granting consent is not a prerequisite for purchasing our goods or services. These communications may encompass:
  • Email
  • Text (SMS) messages
  • Phone calls
  • Automated phone calls or text messages

You can also manage your subscription preferences regarding communications from us and/or our partners by sending an email to support@visahero.com.

In instances where we collect information from you in connection with a co-branded offer, it will be explicitly clear who is collecting the information, and the applicable privacy policy will be indicated at the time of collection. It will also outline any choices you have regarding the use and sharing of your personal data with a co-branded partner, along with instructions on how to exercise those options.

If you utilize a service that enables you to import contacts (e.g., using email marketing services to send emails on your behalf), we will only utilize the contacts and any other personal information for the specific service you requested. If you suspect that someone has submitted your personal information to us and you wish to have it removed from our database, please get in touch with us at support@visahero.com.


  1. Adherence to Legal, Regulatory, and Law Enforcement Requirements: In order to uphold and comply with the law, we collaborate with governmental bodies, law enforcement agencies, and commercial entities. We may, at our sole discretion, determine that it is necessary or appropriate to disclose information about you in the following circumstances:
  • Responding to claims and legal procedures, such as requests for subpoenas.
  • Safeguarding our rights and property, or the rights and property of a third party.
  • Ensuring the safety of the general public or any individual.
  • Preventing or halting behavior that we consider to be illegal or unethical.

In such cases, we may divulge information about you to government or law enforcement authorities, as well as to private entities.

To the extent that we are legally allowed, we will take reasonable measures to inform you in the event that we are obligated to furnish your personal information to third parties as part of a legal process.

  1. For the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of digital marketing initiatives, we employ various web analytics tools provided by service partners, including but not limited to Google Analytics and Singular. These tools enable us to gather data about your interactions with our website and mobile applications. This includes details such as the pages you visit, the website you came from prior to accessing ours, the duration of your visits to specific pages, the type of operating system and web browser you use, as well as network and IP information. The insights derived from this information are utilized to enhance the quality of our services.

These analytical tools utilize persistent cookies in your web browser to recognize you as a unique user during your subsequent visits to our website. It’s important to note that each cookie is exclusive to the respective service provider (e.g., Google for Google Analytics). The data collected via these cookies may be transmitted to and stored on servers located in a country different from your country of residence by these service partners. While the information collected does not encompass personal data such as your name, address, or billing information, the handling and sharing of this information by these service providers are governed by their individual privacy policies.

You have the ability to manage these technologies by adjusting your settings through our Cookie Policy or through the “cookie banners” that may be displayed (depending on the website URL you visit) when you initially access our web pages. Alternatively, you can manage these settings in your web browser or by using third-party tools.

Regarding third-party websites, our website and mobile applications may include links to external sites. It’s important to note that we do not control the privacy practices or the content of these third-party websites. Therefore, we recommend that you review the privacy policy of any website you choose to visit.

If you have any unresolved concerns related to privacy or the use of your data that we have not adequately addressed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our resolution center at support@visahero.com.


How to Access, Modify, or Remove Your Data

To easily access, view, update, delete, or transfer your personal data (where applicable), or to adjust your subscription preferences, kindly log in to your Account and navigate to the “Account Settings” section. For further guidance on accessing, modifying, or deleting your data, please refer to our Privacy Center.

Should you request the deletion of your personal data, please note that we will honor such requests only to the extent that it is no longer necessary for any purchased services or essential for our legitimate business interests, legal obligations, or contractual record-keeping requirements.

If, for any reason, you are unable to access your Account Settings or our Privacy Center, you can also reach out to us using one of the contact methods outlined in the “Contact Us” section below.


How We Safeguard, Store, and Retain Your Data

We adhere to widely accepted standards to securely store and protect the personal data we collect. This includes implementing encryption measures when deemed appropriate.

We retain personal data solely for the duration required to deliver the services you have requested. Subsequently, we may retain it for various legitimate purposes, which may include:

  • Complying with legal, contractual, or similar obligations that apply to our business operations.
  • Preserving, resolving, defending, or enforcing our legal or contractual rights.
  • Maintaining accurate and adequate business and financial records.

If you have any inquiries concerning the security or retention of your personal data, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@visahero.com.


‘Do Not Track’ Notifications

Certain web browsers offer the option to automatically inform websites you visit that you prefer not to be tracked, using a “Do Not Track” signal. However, it’s important to note that there is no unified agreement within the industry regarding the interpretation of “Do Not Track” in this context. Similar to many other websites and online services, at present, we do not modify our practices when we receive a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser.


Age Restrictions

Our services are exclusively accessible for purchase by individuals aged 18 or older. They are not aimed at, nor intended to be used by, or designed to attract individuals under the age of 18. If you are aware of, or have grounds to suspect that someone under the age of 18 has supplied us with any personal data, please get in touch with us.


Updates to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise this privacy statement at any time. In the event that we opt to amend our privacy practices, we will publish these alterations within this privacy statement and in other relevant locations to ensure you remain informed about the information we gather, its usage, and, if applicable, the circumstances under which it may be disclosed


Contact Us

Should you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy, our processes, or the services we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact our office via email at support@visahero.com, or write to::
Visa Hero LLC
2201 Wisconsin Ave NW #200

Washington DC 20007


Use of Personal Information

We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.


Sharing Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to a third party for a business purpose. When we disclose personal information for a business purpose, we enter a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing the contract. We share your personal information with the categories of third parties listed in the “Who do we share your information with?” section of our Privacy Policy.

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have disclosed the following categories of personal information for a business purpose:

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics
  • Commercial information
  • Internet or other similar network activity
  • Geolocation data
  • Professional or employment-related information

We do not sell personal information. In the event that we do sell any personal information, we will update this Privacy Policy to list the categories of consumers’ personal information sold.

Right to Delete

You have the privilege to request the deletion of any personal information collected and retained from you by us, with certain exceptions. Once we receive and verify your valid request, we will proceed to delete your personal information from our records, and we will also instruct our service providers to do the same, unless there are specific exceptions that apply.


Exercising Your Rights

To exercise the access, data portability, and deletion rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by either:


We will not treat you unfairly or differently for exercising any of your CCPA rights.


Cancellation Policy

A client may be eligible for a refund of Visa Hero LLC’s processing fees, with the exception of a $50 cancellation fee per traveler, if the client contacts Visa Hero LLC to cancel the request before 12:00 pm local time on the day Visa Hero LLC receives the request.

Fees charged by Embassies, Consulates, and/or the State Department may be refunded in full, partially, or not at all, depending on the policy of the respective Embassy, Consulate, or State Department.

If a request is canceled after noon or after the request has been submitted to an Embassy, Consulate, or the US Department of State, full-service fees per traveler will be applied. In the case of a client canceling a request that contains multiple visa or passport service applications after the noon deadline but before any applications are submitted, the client will be charged the full-service fee per traveler for the least expensive visa or passport service requested.

Return shipping fees for the client’s chosen Federal Express service will be incurred for any canceled visa or passport service.

If a client’s visa or passport request is denied, suspended, or issued for a limited validity by an Embassy, Consulate, or State Department, Visa Hero LLC’s full processing fees and shipping fees will apply. Refunds of Embassy, Consulate, and/or State Department fees may vary in accordance with the policies of the relevant Embassy, Consulate, or State Department.

Visa Hero LLC employs industry best practices to ensure the proper and timely delivery of your documents to the government processing agency, striving to meet your expectations. It’s important to note that due to the limited number of passport submission slots, refunds will not be processed for the Emergency Passport Service.

Any transaction charges or losses resulting from fluctuations in exchange rates associated with processing a refund of service fees shall be the sole responsibility of the customer. Transaction charges will be deducted from the final refund amount, and any bank charges and differences in exchange rates will be borne by the customer. Visa Hero LLC is not liable to pay interest on this amount.

Payment Policies

Visa Hero LLC employs Stripe as a payment gateway to accept major credit card payments. Additionally, Visa Hero LLC accommodates alternative payment methods, including money orders, cashier’s checks, and company checks. Please be aware that credit card payments conducted via phone, mail/delivery service, or online (through our website or email) may be subject to a credit card convenience fee.

In the event that a check is returned, the client is responsible for remitting the entire invoiced amount, along with a $50 processing fee. This payment can be made using a credit card, money order, or cashier’s check.

Upon completion of any service, you will receive a detailed invoice outlining all associated charges. If you require additional copies of paid invoices, please reach out to billing@visahero.com. For inquiries pertaining to invoicing, billing, or payment matters, you can also contact us at billing@visahero.com.


Shipping Policies – Shipping to Visa Hero LLC
Visa Hero LLC strongly advises using Federal Express or UPS for sending packages to our offices, as these carriers offer reliable and prompt delivery services. Please make sure to keep a record of your tracking number for reference.

However, we recommend against using the following services to send documents to our office:

  • USPS First Class Mail, as these services lack tracking capabilities.
  • USPS Registered or Certified Mail, as these services may entail delivery times of ten days or more.
  • USPS Express Mail, which is suitable for non-urgent requests, as packages sent using this service typically arrive later in the day.

Alternatively, you may choose to hand-deliver your documents to the appropriate Visa Hero LLC processing office.

For emergency or urgent processing requests, it is highly recommended to use Federal Express First Overnight or UPS Early AM (8:30 AM) delivery without requiring a signature for delivery.

If a client inadvertently dispatches their documents to the incorrect Visa Hero LLC processing office, please be aware that additional shipping fees may apply for redirecting the documents to the appropriate Visa Hero LLC processing office.


Shipping Policies – Return Shipping

Visa Hero LLC utilizes Federal Express as the preferred courier service for returning documents to clients. The fees for Federal Express delivery are transparently outlined on Visa Hero LLC’s website and in our instructional documents. If you require expedited or international delivery, please get in touch with Visa Hero LLC to confirm the availability and pricing for such services.

Clients also have the option to furnish their own pre-paid air bill from Federal Express, UPS, or USPS Express Mail at no additional cost. Requests for accepting pre-paid air bills from other delivery services can be made upon contacting Visa Hero LLC for confirmation. Should clients opt to utilize their personal Federal Express account number, please note that there is no shipping charge for the email delivery of electronic visas, such as those issued by Tanzania or Turkey.

For completed requests, clients have the choice to retrieve their documents from the Visa Hero LLC processing office that processed the request, either personally or through a designated representative. Additionally, for clients situated within the metropolitan area of a Visa Hero LLC processing office, there may be the option of courier hand deliveries. To verify the availability and pricing of such services, please reach out to the local Visa Hero LLC processing office.

While Visa Hero LLC endeavors to assist clients in tracking, requesting redelivery, and seeking insurance compensation from the relevant delivery service in case of lost or misdelivered packages, we do not assume responsibility for packages lost or misdirected by any delivery service. Applicants who provide incorrect delivery address information will be subject to a $20 fee for FedEx rerouting services.

Terms of Use

Visa Hero LLC strives to provide accurate information and assist in obtaining the necessary travel visas, passports, or other required documents for your international travel. However, it’s important to note that Visa Hero LLC does not guarantee the information it provides, and you use Visa Hero LLC’s services at your own discretion. Visa Hero LLC bears no responsibility for individuals or organizations that obtain information from Visa Hero LLC without submitting an order for processing.


While Visa Hero LLC aims to offer the most up-to-date travel document requirements, application forms, fees, and processing times on our website and application kits, please be aware that these details may change frequently and without prior notice. The ultimate decision regarding the type, issuance speed, and duration of visas or passports lies with the government agency responsible for issuing them (“issuing authority”). Before approval, the issuing authority may request additional documentation. The issuing authority reserves the right to reject any travel document application without providing a reason to Visa Hero LLC. Visa Hero LLC does not issue visas or passports and cannot guarantee that any issuing authority will grant any document, nor can we guarantee the processing time. Issuing authorities may choose to issue a different type of travel document than the one requested, affecting its purpose, validity, or number of entries. Therefore, it is advisable not to purchase non-refundable tickets or reservations until you have obtained all the necessary travel documents for your trip. Visa Hero LLC, along with the issuing authorities, retains the right to prioritize processing based on the travel dates you provide. Visa Hero LLC charges service fees for its efforts to facilitate the issuance of requested travel documents.


Once Visa Hero LLC submits a travel document request to an issuing authority on your behalf, our service fees become non-refundable. All fees paid by Visa Hero LLC to an issuing authority on your behalf are also non-refundable. If a visa or passport application submitted on your behalf is rejected for any reason, Visa Hero LLC can make an additional attempt to secure the travel document at your request, without imposing additional Visa Hero LLC service fees. However, you will be responsible for any extra fees charged by the issuing authority. Orders canceled before submission to the appropriate government agency will be subject to Visa Hero LLC’s standard processing fees. Orders placed on the Visa Hero LLC website but not submitted to a Visa Hero LLC’s office for processing within a 7-calendar day period will incur an instruction and form access fee. This access fee may be credited toward a future order if requested and used within three months following the fee assessment.


Payment of Visa Hero LLC service fees and all anticipated consular or embassy charges is due at the time of ordering service, unless prior written agreements for account facilities have been made. Visa Hero LLC reserves the right to retain passports and documents until full payment is received. Visa Hero LLC’s service fees are exclusive of any consular, Embassy, or administrative charges related to the requested services and must be paid regardless of whether the visa or passport is issued. Visa Hero LLC service fees vary depending on the number of business processing days available to complete the service, starting from the day we receive all necessary and complete documents in our office, and concluding on the day before your specified need date, excluding consulate closings and holidays. Visa Hero LLC’s service fees may change without prior notice.

Visa Hero LLC accepts limited liability for processing delays, loss, or damages, whether they are direct, incidental, special, or consequential. This liability extends to factors such as the loss of profit or income, regardless of whether Visa Hero LLC. had prior knowledge of the possibility of such damages. The maximum liability in such cases is restricted to the amount of the service fee paid to Visa Hero LLC. In no circumstances shall Visa Hero LLC, its agents, contractors, employees, officers, directors, and affiliates be held responsible for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or income, even if Visa Hero LLC was aware of the potential for such damages.

Additionally, Visa Hero LLC’s liability for damage to or loss of passports, visas, or other documents caused by the company is limited to either the cost of replacement or $199.00, whichever amount is lower. 

It’s important for the customer to acknowledge and agree that Visa Hero LLC will not be held liable or accountable for any damage, loss, or delay that may be caused by third parties, delivery companies, or events beyond the control of Visa Hero LLC. This includes but is not limited to occurrences such as civil commotions, Acts of God, war, terrorist acts, strikes, embassy closures, and other similar circumstances.

Visa Hero LLC may change this policy at any time by updating this page. This policy’s last update was September 1st, 2023.